Day 2 - Treadmills
Today for my training I worked on speed / intervals. For me the treadmill is an effective tool to hold me accountable to my goal paces. Now granted if I had the choice of running outside or on a treadmill I'd run outside hands down. But I live in Florida and the weather doesn't always cooperate so there's that too.
Treadmill running tends to bore me and I can't imagine doing long runs on the treadmill. The self talk that goes through my head makes me laugh sometimes.
At the start I'm like "Here we go!" Then after a few sprints I'm
like "I hate this!" Then I tell myself "Focus! With every stride you're one step closer to the end." So many silly mind games.
Today I committed to running after teaching Bodypump. I knew I could knock out the 3 miles in 30 minutes or less and my body would be fully warmed up.
I started with about a 5 minute warmup and the ran 2 minutes at my pace which I set at 9:13 or 6.5 on the treadmill and then followed that with 1 minute of a push pace at 8:00 or a 7.5. I did 6 rounds like that and a cooldown in 30 minutes. Now for whatever reason I thought maybe it would be a good idea to add an incline to the run, just for a little extra. Ha! That didn't last long. I managed 3 rounds with the incline then said "forget it". Maybe I'll just build my way up slowly to consistent inclines ( I hear hill runs are great too).
Intervals are hard...I have a love hate relationship with them, but I KNOW they make you stronger and faster and push you out of any plateaus you hit in your running. The first push felt good, but adjusting back to my regular pace was a bit difficult. The next 2 sets up and down were challenging, but the second half with the final 3 pushes felt better.
I've heard it before and I'm sure it's going to be true for me like it's been for others. They say that by doing marathon training you're really going to learn things about yourself. This won't only be a test of pushing my body to it's limits, but also my mind and spirit. Luckily I'm up for the challenge!
2 sessions down 87 more to go!
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