Saturday, September 28, 2019

Greetings from Wheeling, WV

I'm on the go again! This time a wedding brings me to West Virginia. Today's training plan was a 10 mile run. I found a trail that would do the job. I ran on the Wheeling Heritage Trail. I believe the full length of the trail is 17 miles. I ran 5 miles out and 5 miles back for my full 10 miles.

I woke up around 6:30 and drove over to the trail. My run started at 7:46am. The temperature was 69° and very overcast. My phone said 50% chance for rain. Eek! You know I dislike running in the rain. Things started well and the run was much better than expected. My overall pace was a 9:35 with all splits under a 10 minute mile. It felt like I was running it as if it was race day, and the rain that blessed me from mile 3 until mile 7 might have had something to do with my speed lol. Thankfully I was prepared with my hat and protection for my phone.

The run was along the Ohio River...the border between Ohio and West Virginia. It was a nice run with lots to see. The old buildings of downtown, residential houses, baseball fields and roads through the city. I saw 4 beavers! Also squirrels and birds and of course the river, bridges and boats. The smell of fall was in the air and the leaves were starting to fall from the trees.

My body felt really good while running. Just sore, tired feet towards the end. I really enjoy seeing new places on these runs. I should start keeping a list of all the states I've run in. Running in these places gives a different perspective and you can go places cars can't. 

Strong finish to week 9!

36 more runs to go!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Short runs are becoming longer!

My mid week runs are beginning to get longer. Thus far they have been 3 miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today was my first 4 mile run in a few weeks the runs will increase to 5 miles to help get me ready for the marathon. 

I took the day off from work to prepare for my vacation this weekend and enjoyed sleeping in this morning! My run started around 8am. I started off slow and sluggish for the first quarter mile or so, but then felt like I got in the groove. My first checkpoint at 5 minutes said I was at a 9:13. At first I was a bit disappointed. I thought maybe I'd be under 9 minutes. I decided based on how I was feeling not to push it and just run the way my body wanted to. This can be frustrating for me, but it's more about working the plan and not going for personal records on every run.

I finished my 4 miles with an average pace of 9:18. Not bad at all. I did have one slower split at 9:28 for the 3 mile mark. The other splits were closer together at 9:09, 9:12 and 9:16. Every run has a lesson if you can tune into your body and the circumstances. Some require more, others less. There may be hints about fuel,  hydration, sleep or gear. 

I encountered two runners on the road at the time I was running. One was just ahead of me at the point where I started my run and by the time I got to my 2 mile mark I almost past him. Then right as I was making the turnaround I saw a woman behind me who after some time passed me. These were good reminders that we are each running our own race. Doing the best we can with what we have that day. My runs on this plan have been mainly solo and I noticed running with others has a different feel and can make you reach further regardless of pace (yours or theirs). It made me think about race day and how many people will be on the road and all the energy that will be surrounding me. All the people moving along with me (and all the ones I'll have my eye on to stay with). I'm sure there will be words of encouragement shared. Maybe even low moments of people struggling (possibly myself). 

Even though it's not my favorite form of exercise I can't deny that there is something magical about running. Being a part of the running community is a pretty cool thing. While I'm training it feels good to know we are all in this together. Day by day, run by running,  thriving or struggling, making those personal records and just giving it all we've got!

37 more runs to go!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Back on the treadmill 

Another 3 miles tonight. Same plan as last week with six intervals getting progressively faster. Tonight at the end of my last interval, which was at an 8.0 or about a 7:30 minute mile pace, I sped up to an 8.5 or a 7:03 mile pace for just about 15 seconds to see how it would feel. 

I think it would be a good idea to add some more challenge into my intervals and speedwork. I can tell the efforts I'm putting in are paying off on both the short and the long runs. 

I'm happy to have the day off tomorrow and looking forward to some good sleep. Early mornings can be rough. The runs aren't the hard part for's the getting out of bed. My Thursday morning runs start getting longer tomorrow. 4 miles instead of 3 miles. I'll be happy to sleep in and maybe even foam roll before my morning run!

38 runs to go!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week 9!

This morning was rough. I didn't get enough sleep last night and it was a struggle to get out of bed. I knew I had to leave for my run by a certain time so I could get home and get to work on time.

I was in all out zombie mode! My eyes did not want to open. The run itself actually wasn't that bad. I started out pretty quick. I think it was a combination of knowing the faster I go the sooner it's done and also  getting some of my lack of sleep frustrations out on the road. 

My first mile was my quickest mile yet in this training plan. The second mile was quite a bit slower and then my final mile I finished strong to get my overall pace under 9 minutes per mile.

The weather was perfect! In the low 70's and no wind. I wasn't too cold or too hot. Even though sleep wasn't optional at least the weather was in my favor.

Sleep is one of the important ingredients and with busy schedules and longer runs it'll only become more of a challenge. Wish me luck!

39 runs to go!

Sunday, September 22, 2019


My long run this weekend was to be a half marathon. I couldn't find any local races so I ran my 13.1 miles on the south end of river road. Basically I did the south course of the spacecoast half marathon. Last year I did the north course. This year I'll put them together for the whole 26.2!

I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked and my hydration was less than it should have been yesterday so I was going into the run with low expectations. 

My Runkeeper app notifies me of my pace and distance every 5 minutes and every mile. After my first 5 minutes the pace was 10:57. For once I wasn't going too fast out the gate. As the mileage continued I was naturally speeding up. Since I wasn't feeling the effort of going faster I figured I'd just run how I felt. 

My first mile clocked in at 10:27. My second mile was a 10:10. After all was said and done I finished with an overall pace of 10:16, just a bit faster than my 10:20 for my 12 miles last week, but this run felt easier. Weather conditions were more favorable and that's always a huge help.

The longer distances can definitely be intimidating, but once I get to the last 3 miles or so I'm confident I can finish. Today's run brought me right to the finish line area for the marathon. I just soaked it all in. Imagining the feelings as I step over the finish line. It's getting exciting! I'm working the plan and the plan is working on me!

I also got to try out some new gear today and all items were a success and definite candidates for race day! Best thing is I got everything at Ross for a great deal. If you know me you know I love a good deal. The price adds up quickly for shoes, bottoms, tops, socks, underwear, hats, etc. Luckily I now have a majority of what I need.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

40 more runs to go!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Running with friends....

...and by friends I mean the wind! Lol. Let's just call it a surprise resistance training day. As I got to the river I felt the wind and it stayed with me for all 3 of my miles. Not just a gust here and there. The palm trees were blowing, looking like pom poms. Cheering me on each stride. Mother nature always has a plan...sometimes it aligns with yours and other times not so much.

It didn't take me long to realize this run was going to have an extra bit of challenge to it. My first split was slower than my most recent two short runs. So I was hoping to at least hold pace. My second mile was 30 seconds slower! This was averaging me just over a 9 minute mile. On my final mile I hung tough and sped up by 15 seconds and pretended my last quarter mile was my push pace from last night. I was pushing alright, almost sprinting! That last boost really did it! I made an average pace of 9:00 mile even! It's really the small things in life that bring me satisfaction 😊

Other than my challenge from mother nature, the weather was great. Cooler days are ahead as fall approaches. Rest day tomorrow and 13.1 miles this weekend on my long run.

After work I went to a foam rolling clinic. I got a few tips, but the most important one was not to let the roller sit in the corner! I definitely need to use mine more and add it to my routine. It felt great tonight rolling out all of the tight and sore spots. My body will thank me for it!

Hope everyone had a great day!

41 more runs to go!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Progress not perfection 

Something I'm keeping in mind as I train. Today's treadmill training session was the same format as last week. Short warmup and cooldown with 2 minutes of base pace and 6 quarter mile sprints getting progressively faster with each one.

I launched pump today and afterward my legs were more than warmed up! Unlike last week I didn't have as much resistance to the thought I running on the treadmill. Even though it's not my favorite thing I'm seeing the results and since I like the results I'll keep these runs as part of my plan. I'd really like to add in some rowing and yoga on my cross training days. 

I bought a Groupon for a massage so looking forward to using that soon. My muscles will definitely thank me! Tomorrow I'm going to a foam rolling clinic at Track Shack and looking forward to getting some good tips and techniques. 

Cutting my hair was a great idea! My hair is no longer sticking to my or weighing me down. The other difference on this run was my new shoes. They felt a bit different than my other pair so that was a slight adjustment. 

Looking forward to some good rest before my early morning run tomorrow and happy I met my daily hydration goal!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

42 more runs to go!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Week 8 begins...

This morning I woke up a bit later. I guess my body wanted just bit more sleep. I still was running before 6:30 so that was good.

My first mile really seems to set the tone for my run. I honestly wasn't expecting anything great this morning, so when my first split came in at 8:37 I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't feeling overly ambitious and because of that strong first mile I felt confident I'd finish with a pace under a 9 minute mile. It turned out to be my fast run yet! 3.02 miles in 26 minutes and 15 seconds! My fastest average pace yet at 8:41.

Usually if I have a strong first mile it builds confidence. If my first mile isn't "fast" or doesn't feel strong I let it be without trying to speed up. Today I had no idea I was going as fast as I was. My thought was I was probably around a 9. Every run is an adventure! Getting closer to the halfway point of training. The big, scary runs are approaching starting in October.  Lol.

43 more runs to go!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

One step at a time!

Today's run was 12 miles, my longest on the plan so far. This run ended up being my second longest run ever! 

When I set out to do a long run it can be intimidating. I've run this distance before so I knew I was capable, but that was nearly a year ago and you want things to go well. I just checked back on the details of the last 12 mile run and the pace was 5 seconds faster per mile. That's encouraging. Then I think damn...I ran a half marathon at a 9:28 pace...1.1 miles less today was 10:20 pace. Then I tell myself to throw that out the window and focus on today lol

I'm super proud of my half marathon results, but I need to be realistic in know that's only HALF the amount I'll be running on December 1st. I'm still working on finding my marathon pace and today's run gave me great feedback. 

While I did get out on the road earlier than my other weekend runs it wasn't quite as early as I would have liked and as these runs get longer I need to accept that if I'm not going to be out there running in the dark before the sun comes up I'm going to be hating my life!

So the first third of the run was smooth and steady,  that nice, almost effortless feeling. The views this morning were perfection. My phone was in my Camelback so I didn't spend time getting it out, but I took so many mental pictures of all the beauty surrounding me. The sun rising over the river, the ripples in the water and the breeze in the trees. How blessed am I to take in these views?! It's just like I'm running in a tropical paradise 🌴🌞🏝 (I guess you could say I kinda am though lol) Anway, it makes the run so much more enjoyable. Appreciating life in the moment. 

I did start under the 10 minute mile mark and although I ran my half marathon under a 10 minute mile I knew that was going to be pretty ambitious for this run. By the time I reached the 4th mile I was in line with a 10 minute mile and felt good about that.

My run was an out and back run so miles 5 and 6 felt just as good. Nice breeze and losing only a few seconds per mile on pace. Then when I reached mile 6, which was my turnaround point I got smacked in the face (and body) with my challenge from mother nature...the wind...that resistance can be brutal!! So I was like, ok, this is what I'm dealing with, no way to change it, let me just work with what I got. 

My first instinct in these situations is to "power through", but there were 6 more miles ahead of me and that's a lot of "power through" a full hour! So at this point I decided to do by best to maintain pace without any expectations. This wasn't a race and I wasn't competing with anyone but myself. 

I saw my friends cycling out on the road right after my halfway point, that brought a nice bit of encouragement my way😊 

After my second third of the run the struggle started to set in. My pace was slowing each mile, but I made a choice in those moments. I could do the drill sargent talk to myself about "powering through" or I could take a different approach and I chose the latter. Honestly, the go go go stuff works really well for me for HIIT type activities, but in a marathon training situation it would be too easy for me to say "shut up" and "I hate this" or even the killer "I can't". My goal when I was in this second stage of the when to a place of kindness and encouragement. I wanted to say only kind loving things to myself. "You've got this!" "One step at a time", "You're going to feel so great when you finish". And at that point that's what I did. I threw any ideas of having to make a certain pace out the window. My aim was to enjoy the run and the surroundings as much as possible and envision myself crossing the finish line of race day. I mean this was less than half of the total miles! I was just imagining how I'd be feeling 18+ miles in. Eye on the prize, finishing as healthy as possible and crossing that finish line. I'm pretty sure I'll be crying. Happy tears for sure and maybe tears from the pain of it all as well.

So the last third of my run was with being with what is, not forcing, just knowing I'd get to where I wanted to be. I finished with a pace of 10:20, which was success to me. This run also showed me I need to focus on a slower start and that a 10 minute mile may be a bit ambitious for me. My original thought was between 10-13 so I'm thinking it would be wise to try to aim for 10:30 or 11 on my next long run to see how it feels.

Learning these lessons and feeling it out will definitely help me prepare for the big day. I also put my first miles on my new shoes which I added a little inspirational jewelry to.

How do you like them?

27 sessions down...61 more to go!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

100 miles!

This morning's 3 mile run put me over the 100 mile mark! 102 to be exact. This was also my first sub 9 minute mile run on this training plan with tight splits too! I started strong and finished strong💪🏼

On the last mile I felt the heaviest setting in, but I wanted all my splits under 9 minutes so I did all I could to push through and meet my goal. Let me tell you it felt so good looking at my stats afterward 🏃🏻‍♀️💨

I know not every run is the training plan is going to be awesome, but today was one of those great days!

My shoes were delivered today and I'm looking forward to my 12 mile run on Saturday to see how they feel on my feet with that distance.

I'm in that stage where I'm researching everything marathon related. Getting some good tips and tricks and taking notes for my plans up until the big day!

If you didn't know, today is national encouragement day. So send out your good vibes to encourage others and give a shout out to those who encourage you. Let's keep that high vibration and good energy flowing!

26 sessions down and 62 more to go!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hold on to the feeling!

Today was a bit rough...more mentally than physically. I'm going off my original plan on Wednesdays which started with straight 3 mile runs and scaling up to 10 mile runs. This week the plan was at 6 miles.

Even before I got to the gym I really didn't feel like running on the treadmill. I was even contemplating just doing 6 miles out on the road instead. The thing about training for a marathon is that it sucks up a lot of your time. You really have to be strategic about where and when you run, etc. With the Florida heat and sun you definitely don't want to be running during the day. Early mornings seem to be a favorite among runners. 

Anyway...I taught my Bodypump class and decided it was in my best interest to knock out a 3 mile interval run in the interest of time and my schedule. I wasn't feeling particularly motivated today like I said, but I knew I'd feel great when I finished. Sweet satisfaction! And so I went. I did my short warm up and then structured the run like last week. 2 minutes base and a quarter mile push to work on speed.

The run actually ended up around 3.5 miles and including warm up and cooldown right at 3.73 miles. This week I kept my base at 6.5 and my first push was 7.5 and increased overtime to 8.0 for a total of 6 pushes. I was really focusing on holding on with everything I got for the last 2 at 7.9 and 8.0. Sure enough I felt great when I was done. All that work in only 35 minutes with a calorie burn of 483.2 per the treadmill. 

As excited as I was after finishing and that endorphin high I was also wiped once I got in my car. This running business can really take a lot out of you! 7 weeks in and I'm feeling it! I just have to keep taking care of my body the best I can. Food, sleep, hydration, etc. I'm really overdue for a massage. Gotta find some time to fit that in my busy schedule. I know my body will thank me 😊

When things get rough, when I don't really want to run. I just need to hold on to that feeling!

I hope everyone is having a great week! Stay active and stay healthy!

25 sessions down and 63 more to go!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 7!

Got out early for my 3 mile run today. Overall pace was 9:05 which was in line with my last short run on Thursday. 

The run started off strong with a 9 minute mile pace for the first mile. Just past the mile mark my shoe came untied. Oh no! If I was further into my run I would have just kept on going, but knowing I had 2 miles to go and with it being do dark out I decided to stop to tie my shoe. This definitely showed in my splits with my second mile clocking in at 9:15. My third mile was 9:01.

Overall happy with the feeling and pace of this run. No heavy legs! I saw 8 runners out on the road, a few cyclists and even fewer cars! 

I went to another store today to be fit for shoes. There was one shoe that both stores I visited recommended so I ended up buying the Saucony Ride Iso 2. The Brooks Ghost 12 was also a good feeling shoe so who knows, maybe I'll get those later. The shoes should be here on Thursday so I can try them on my 12 mile run on Saturday!

Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!

24 sessions down and 64 more to go!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

On the road again!

A full 6 weeks into my training and things are going well. One injury that's healed and one blister are the only challenges I've encountered. Got to wear my new running hat today and it's so much better than the regular hats I was running in. Next up is a new pair of running shoes! I'm definitely going to need them for my longer runs.

Once again I had a late start and the sun wasn't kind. I really need to get up early to catch the cooler temps and less direct sun. My 7 miles today felt good overall and pleased with my pace, but it would have been rough doing 10 miles or more in the heat. I can't imagine how these longer runs are going to feel. Next week I'll be doing 12 miles. Getting closer to running further than I've ever run before! Exciting and a little intimidating!

Still trying to focus on positive self talk when things get hard and distracting myself or losing myself in the run instead of counting how many miles I have left. In the past I've always been more of a sprinter instead of a distance runner and those are two different mindsets. My goal is a big one, but with determination and support I know I can get there!

23 sessions down and 65 to go!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Up before the sun

Early mornings are not my thing. I struggled to get out of bed, but with marathon training and busy schedules you do what you gotta do. I wish I was more of a morning person,  but I'm just not. My comfy cozy bed just wants to hold me hostage and I'm so ok with that lol.

The early morning run routine starts with the alarm going off and me immediately turning it off. Then the thoughts of "no!" and "why?" and "5 more minutes", you get the picture. Ugh, but I know I made this commitment and I know there isn't time to lay around. If I don't get out the door in a certain time I won't get to work on time so everything needs to work like a well oiled machine. 

I fumble around in the dark for my clothes and shoes. Wipe the sleep out of my eyes and gather my things in total zombie mode. 

I'm currently driving to my running spot so that's an extra time crunch. Thankfully there aren't that many cars on the road before 6am.

My Wednesday/ Thursday schedule for running ends up being a less than 12 hour turnaround. So that makes things interesting. Last week I felt heavy in my run. This week I was lighter and quicker. Seems like the speedwork and interval training is paying off. My run today came in at an overall 9:03 minute mile pace which is fantastic for me. My second mile was even under 9 minutes! I love when that happens. 

My extra bonus is the beautiful morning sunrise on the river. Today the sky was the most beautiful shade of purple!

Not all runs feel great. Not all runs go as planned. As long as I'm able to finish a run injury free it's a success to me. So far from a feeling point of view this has been my best week yet. I'll be teaching Bodypump tomorrow on my rest day and then getting ready for a 7 mile run on Saturday to finish out the week! I finally bought a proper hat for running so I can't wait to try it out.

I also started shopping around for my next pair of running shoes today. If you have any suggestions please let me know. 

Stay active my friends! 

22 sessions down and 66 more to go!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Run Cheryl Run!

Today's plan called for a 5 mile run. I chose to do a 3 mile interval run on the treadmill. I tried something different tonight. Instead of doing a 2 minute base pace followed my a 1 minute push I did 2 minutes of my base pace and then a quarter mile push which ended up being longer than a minute.

I definitely was pushing myself! My base pace stayed close to 6.8 or an 8:49 minute mile. I did 5 quarter mile sprints starting at 7.7 (7:48) up to my faster push yet at 8.1 (7:24)!

I felt super hot and was super sweaty. I think continuing these intervals and pushing out of my comfort zone will serve me well. Shorter bursts of more power will make me stronger both physically and mentally. 

The treadmill is a great accountability partner. Once you step on you make a decision about what number or level to pick. It's easy to cheat yourself. But if you give yourself a goal and really go for it all you can do is keep up with that belt speeding by under your feet. Using all you got to stay in motion and keep up.

The further I get into training the more I appreciate all those runners out there busting their butts, doing whatever it takes and getting their miles in. Setting goals and doing things they haven't done before. 

Whenever I feel like I'm dying at my pace I think of those runners smashing it running marathons at consistent paces WAY faster than mine. The human body and spirit are SO AMAZING!

Now time for some rest and an early morning run tomorrow!

21 sessions down...67 more to go!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 6 starting early!

Today would normally be a rest day for me, but since the storm is coming I decided to run today and make tomorrow a rest day instead.

My run started out better than expected with a pace under the 9 minute per mile mark. There was lots of wind to keep me cool and no direct sun. The run was 3 miles and my first half was a breeze lol. On the way back on the second half the wind was in my face providing lots of resistance and each stride was a fight (at least to keep the pace I was on).  

My first mile was at an 8:54 and my last mile at a 9:49 and I definitely felt the difference. 

I was very pleased with the run overall and happy that I took advantage of the weather being in my favor on a rest day. Tomorrow I'll be stuck inside due to the hurricane and then hopefully back on schedule with my Wednesday run. If the weather doesn't allow for it I'll end up doing some sort of cross training indoors.

For all of those that may be in the hurricane's path stay safe!

20 sessions down and 68 more to go!