Sunday, September 22, 2019


My long run this weekend was to be a half marathon. I couldn't find any local races so I ran my 13.1 miles on the south end of river road. Basically I did the south course of the spacecoast half marathon. Last year I did the north course. This year I'll put them together for the whole 26.2!

I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked and my hydration was less than it should have been yesterday so I was going into the run with low expectations. 

My Runkeeper app notifies me of my pace and distance every 5 minutes and every mile. After my first 5 minutes the pace was 10:57. For once I wasn't going too fast out the gate. As the mileage continued I was naturally speeding up. Since I wasn't feeling the effort of going faster I figured I'd just run how I felt. 

My first mile clocked in at 10:27. My second mile was a 10:10. After all was said and done I finished with an overall pace of 10:16, just a bit faster than my 10:20 for my 12 miles last week, but this run felt easier. Weather conditions were more favorable and that's always a huge help.

The longer distances can definitely be intimidating, but once I get to the last 3 miles or so I'm confident I can finish. Today's run brought me right to the finish line area for the marathon. I just soaked it all in. Imagining the feelings as I step over the finish line. It's getting exciting! I'm working the plan and the plan is working on me!

I also got to try out some new gear today and all items were a success and definite candidates for race day! Best thing is I got everything at Ross for a great deal. If you know me you know I love a good deal. The price adds up quickly for shoes, bottoms, tops, socks, underwear, hats, etc. Luckily I now have a majority of what I need.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

40 more runs to go!

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