Saturday, August 31, 2019

10 miles!

Since I didn't get to do my 9 mile run last Saturday and since my last long run of 7 miles was 3 weeks ago I definitely felt the miles today.

My goal pace was a 10 minute mile and I ended up with a 10:43 pace. I started off easy at a 10:39 and was able to maintain that pace pretty well throughout the run. 

Any of these longer runs can feel daunting. Taking that first step and knows you're going to be on the road running for hours can be intimidating out the gate. As I moved through the miles I tried to focus on my goal, knowing to make the full 26.2 I needed to stay strong and steady. I was thinking "I'm going to run how many miles?" The gravity of the task and commitment gets more real as I'm just starting off with these over 10 miles runs. "If 10 feels like this, what will 14 feel like, or 18 or 20!?"

I'm definitely going to have to start getting up earlier too. When I first set out this morning just before 8 there was a strong breeze and no direct sun. It didn't take long before that changed and I was feeling the sun and looking forward to any shady spots I could find. 

My run lasted an hour and 48 minutes and afterward I got myself a smoothie as a treat at the Tilted Cup. Smoothies are my number one favorite post run reward! Indulging felt so refreshing,  so good for a job well done!

Mindset is going to come more and more into play moving forward so I'm sure I'll be trying out different things, tips, tricks, techniques etc. If anyone has any recommendations or suggestions please let me know. 

19 sessions down and 69 more to go!

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