Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Back on the treadmill!

Back to interval training today. My original plan called for a 5 mile run. I didn't want to do 5 miles of intervals so I did a warm up and then went into my base pace of 6.5 I ended up doing about 6 intervals.  My two were at 7.5. Then I dropped to 6.6 and pushed at 7.6 then next push 7.7 and dropped to 6.7 all the way up to an 8.0 push.  Once I dropped back to 7.0 I held that for 2 minutes and the dropped to 6.9 for 2 minutes and so on until I got to my base of 6.5. Yes, lots of numbers. I just made this up as I went, it's not an actual plan,  but it was mine today!

This took me to the 4 mile mark at which point I slowed down the pace and increased the incline. I played with different paces and incline levels until the last tenth of a mile or so and finished my workout at the 5 mile mark. Mission completed!

I ran after teaching Bodypump so my body was warm, but my legs sure were heavy! I did listen to music so the good beats and inspirational songs helped push me through until the end. I'm definitely open if anyone has any recommendations for songs to add to my marathon training playlist. 

When I'm on the treadmill for any length of time music definitely helps. I mean, who wants to exert all the energy running in the same spot without getting anywhere!

Anyway, it was a good workout and I'm past the 60 mile mark for training miles on the plan so far. 

Hope everyone is having a great week!

17 sessions down...71 more to go!

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