Thursday, November 28, 2019

Training completed ✅

I did it! I successfully completed my marathon training plan! My last run was today, a 2 mile run with an average pace of 8:24. My total mileage completed over the past 4 months was 373 miles. I only missed one run due to sickness. Only a few minor injuries and blisters, but nothing to hold me back.

I am so proud of my accomplishments on the plan particularly my commitment day by day to get my runs in and especially my long runs over 13 miles where I pushed my boundaries and realized new possibilities for myself. 

Pace can be challenging and though I still haven't quite got it down tight I believe I'll do just fine in the marathon on Sunday. I've learned to be present in the moment and accepting of what is. I can stay naturally busy and wanting to get things done quickly. There's nothing quick about a 22 mile run lol. So those long runs were an exercise in patience. 

Although I'm generally good with commitment my treadmill runs reinforced what commitment is all about, discipline too. A quote that sums this up perfectly is "Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done, even though you may not feel like it."

My final 26.2 miles will be a celebration of my body and spirit. Both were needed to complete training and both will be needed to complete the race.

See you out on the road!πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️πŸ’¨πŸ’ͺ🏼

1 more run to go!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bye bye treadmill πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I did it! I successfully completed my all my treadmill runs! Since this was my last one I wanted to make it a good one. I decided to challenge myself by completing the entire run with an incline, even if it was just a 1.0. No reason to go crazy lol. I also made a shift in my intervals. I started at a 7.8 and took it up to an 8.3. Even though my body was fresh and I was hydrated I still felt challenge. I wanted to finish strong! 

The treadmill training did help me with my mental toughness. All those times when I didn't want to run, when I didn't want to go fast or faster (which was pretty much most of the treadmill runs) I just remembered how great it feels to accomplish a goal, even a small one!

I won't miss the treadmill, but I'm thankful I was able to stay committed to my ultimate goal of a successful training plan. After all sometimes in life we do things we don't want to do because we know there is a reason behind the action. So I can say it was worth it! 

Tomorrow is my last training run before the race. Just 2 miles. I haven't decided how I'd like to run it yet, but it will be a great milestone!

2 more runs to go!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pushing it...

Just 3 miles today! When I woke up it was 48° and there was no way I was going to run in that weather. The 50's is my limit lol. I decided to wait until it got into the 60's and ended up going on a run at lunch. The weather was much better! 

I started out on my merry way not realizing how fast I was going. It felt slower than the first split that told me my average pace was 8:15. I was thinking more like an 8:50. So I tried my best to keep it up, but it wasn't to be. I ended up with an overall average pace of 8:32 and all of my splits in the 8's!

Beside a muscle in my back annoying me I'm feeling pretty good. I had a massage yesterday which felt great and next Wednesday I have my post race massage to help my body recover from all the work it'll have put in for me. 

I was pleasantly surprised that I met my water goal today. I've been slacking lately and this was my best day in well over a week!

3 more runs to go!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Easy does it...

When I checked the temperature around 6am it was still in the 50's. I didn't want to run with layers or gloves so I waited and started my run after 8am with temps in the 60's. The weather was great and I kept the run at a comfortable pace. Overall pace was 10:49. Close to my goal of 11, though I did start out a bit quick with my second mile coming in at 10:20 which would be the fastest on my run.

The run today was 8 miles. As I was running along the river, appreciating nature as I always do, I saw a dolphin close to the shore. I saw another runner or jogger stop to admire the dolphin and snap some pictures. As I passed her she was crouching down, quietly taking her pictures with a smile on her face. I smiled and said good morning as I passed by. There was an exchange of appreciation between us for the beautiful day and the creature we both witnessed enjoying life in the moment. 

As I continued I saw several other runners, walkers and cyclists outside enjoying the perfect weather. As I approached my turnaround and made my way back into the village for my last 4 miles I imagined the spectators on race day cheering everyone along. I know I can use all the support I can get, especially in those last 4 miles, the same ones I was running today. 

There's a point on the road where you approach one of the many bands and you can see the village and the 520 bridge. This is probably about 2-3 miles before the finish line. The view is beautiful and for me it represents the completion of my goal. I'll see it in the distance,  anticipating crossing that finish line. I wonder how I'll feel at this point in the race. Sore and tired for sure, but I imagine I'll also feel immense pride😊

I have a pre-race massage scheduled for Monday and then just a few 3 mile runs before the marathon. Now is the time to eat, sleep and hydrate well. All the work is done!

4 more runs to go!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 miles on the river

Another cold morning out on river road. Bundled up for my 3 mile run. Average pace today was 8:50. Next week this time I'll be done with my last run before the race! 

I did get more water in today, but still didn't meet my goal. Gotta keep trying my best!

My blister is still hanging out and I must have irritated it on my run today because I could see blood under the skin. Hope it heals up fast! Next up is my last long run on Saturday (only 8 miles). I think it'll be a bit warmer out so I can lose the layers and gloves! 

5 more runs to go!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Need more water please!

I knew I was dehydrated before I even began my run. The past couple days I've been slacking on water intake. It just doesn't come naturally to me to consume a lot of water. So when I feel the dehydration I know it's bad.

Anyway, ended up with a 3.5 mile run with intervals from 7.7-8.2. My base pace was 6.5 and I added an extra sprint at the end of 9.0! 

I only have 1 more treadmill training run next week and then I can say goodbye treadmill! Such a useful tool, but not my thing.

In other news, I'm on my third blister on my plan. I'm hoping it clears up by next Sunday!

6 more runs to go!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 15!

Today's run was 4 miles. My last 4 mile run. I was out early in the cold, dark morning. Had to use my layers and gloves today. I started out quickly and slowed a bit as I went along. My overall pace was 8:53.

I was the only runner or walker out on the road. In the dark this can be peaceful,  but also a bit eerie. I saw a group a 3 cyclists,  but besides that nothing. The sunrise was beautiful and I always want to stop just so I can enjoy taking pictures. I think I'll do that one morning when my plan is over. Just a nice morning stroll taking pictures of the beautiful sunrise over the water and the beauty of nature surrounding me.

7 more runs to go!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Running in the cold❄

Up and out early for my run this morning. The temperature at the start of my run was 55° and by the end of was 61°. That's cold in my book. I decided not to wear layers because I knew once I got started I would warm up and I didn't want to be running in layers of sweaty clothing. I did, however, wear my gloves which was a good call. 

I was so focused on the cold the I took off running without regard for my pace. When the first call out said my pace was under a 10 minute mile I knew I had to adjust and slowed down a bit. My overall average pace ended up at a 10:13. Not bad at all, but not as fast as I was intending to run.

I did warm up quickly and I'm surprised how little the cold bothered me once I got going. The run was steady with sunshine and a light breeze. One thing I've become aware of is how my stride changes over the course of a run, from quick short strides to short slow strides or quicker long strides (usually at the end of the run). Sometimes I pick my feet up more and other times they just seem to be shuffling along. Just a few observations. 

It really feels like I'm in the homestretch now and time will be passing quickly!

8 more runs to go!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A beautiful day for a beautiful run!

Got out on my 4 mile run a bit earlier this morning. The sun wasn't up yet. I haven't run in the dark for a few weeks now and this run confirmed I enjoy running right as the sun is coming up. 

There was a light breeze and the temperature was just right. All my splits were in the 8's and I love when that happens! I'm still not a great estimate of actual pace. I think I'm going fast and there the call out on my phone at that first 5 minute mark just isn't quite as fast as I thought. Or I'll think I'm going slower and it ends up being faster than I think. 

There are occasions on some of my runs, usually my longer ones where I more accurately judge if I'm in a faster or slower pace. I've come to realize it's just best to enjoy the journey. No one like disappointment and telling yourself you HAVE to run this particular distance in this particular time with this particular pace takes all the joy out of running. 

I naturally connect with joy, but I'm also I person who puts high expectations on myself so this training plan has allowed me the opportunity to try different things / approaches and be more present whenever possible. 

Today after work I went for a 90 minute deep tissue massage. These massages have been one of the greatest gifts I've given myself during training. I'm usually a once a year massage girl (even though I'd like to go more). They exactly cheap, but Groupon helps. That's how I found my current massage therapist. After that first appointment I knew I'd be back. They offered a package and I knew this would be something I could do for myself that would contribute greatly to my training (and I was right, it has!). 

As the road of training comes to an end I want to savor each moment and each run. Who knows if I'll ever go through this process again. 

9 more runs to go!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

One stride at a time πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️πŸ’¨πŸ’ͺ🏼

I feel like I'm finally finding my rhythm on the treadmill. It's still not my favorite and I'll be happy when these runs are over in 2 weeks lol. 

I did 3 miles today in the usual fashion. 6.5 base and 6 intervals from 7.7-8.2. I was a little tight on time,but still managed to get the run in before class. Not too hard, not to easy. Just in the flow of it all.

10 more runs to go!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Week 16!

Last 5 mile run of the plan, mid week runs are now tapering. I wasn't sure how this run would go after my 22 miles on Sunday. My calves were pretty tight so I rolled them out before running and they didn't seem to bother me that much. 

The weather this morning was mid 60's so much milder and enjoyable. My overall pace was 9:04 which was better than expected so I was really pleased about that. I even had 2 splits in the 8's! 

Definitely looking forward to my massage on Thursday. Gotta keep this body happy!

11 more runs to go!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

22 miles!

Longest run on my training plan was successfully completed today! The plan actually called for 20 miles, but since my 18 mile run turned into 20 it was a great opportunity to turn my 20 into 22. I had advice from others who have run marathons that it might be a good idea to do 22 as it'll give you a better idea about how the full marathon might feel. I'm glad I took that advice!

I began my run at 7am and finished 4 hours 1 minute and 30 seconds later. I started a bit too quickly and my first mile was my fastest of my run (not a good thing). I slowed down on my second mile and was able to stay around my goal pace for the rest of the run. Miles 6-13 must have been feeling really strong and steady based on my splits. I think that's a pattern for me around that point in my longer runs. By mile 16 I felt the fatigue begin to set in, also a pattern I've noticed on these longer runs. From that point on my pace slowed pretty consistently each mile (except mile 20 where I must have had a burst of energy or something). Mile 21 was my slowest with a pace of 11:35 and my last mile came in at 11:05. My overall pace for the 22 miles was 10:58. If I can get there on race day I'll be ecstatic! Better pacing from the beginning will be key for me. Especially since there will be so much excitement and energy from the runners and the crowd. It's just too easy to get caught up in it all and run as if it was a sprint (or a half marathon lol).

Anyway, around mile 16 when I was crossing back through Cocoa Village three cyclists were passing me. The one gentleman asked if I was training for a marathon. I said "Yes", then he asked if I was doing the Spacecoast, I said "Yes!", then he said he's going to be out with the lead runner. I said "Awesome"! So I know I'll be seeing him on race day as he brings in the leader of the pack! How cool! He told me I was doing a good job and to keep up the good work πŸ’ͺ🏼

I love those types of encounters and encouragement. This marathon training isn't easy. Especially the long runs. Just imagine going to a theme park all day. You know how your feet are sore and tired? Yup, that's what your feet feel like running these long distances. And not only your feet, but your whole body aches. For me, I especially feel it my lower back. 

When I finally did finish my run I slowed to a jog and then a walk. My knees didn't hurt me while running,  but oh my goodness they were so angry when I stopped! Driving home was interesting because the sensation in my feet felt weird as they were finally able to relax. The first thing I did when I got home was grab some water, take some ibuprofen and lay down and ice my knees.

Eventually I began snacking and eating lunch, also stretching and foam rolling. We'll see how I feel tomorrow and how my recovery goes.

From here on out the taper begins! Fewer miles, more sleep and staying healthy. Only 3 more weeks now!

12 more runs to go!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

300 miles!

That's right! I've officially passed the 300 mile mark on my training plan! 304 to be exact lol. While not as fast as my run on Tuesday it was my second fastest 5 mile run. I'm happy with the result and the overall pace. Only one more 5 mile run before my weekday runs start scaling back.

This evening I went to the Zen Room in Cocoa Village for a free 30 minute meditation session. It's good practice for the mind of being in the moment whatever it is. These skills will definitely be helpful in those rougher moments of the race.

Rest day tomorrow then my biggest run of the plan this weekend!

13 more runs to go!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Extra sprints?!

I did 3.5 miles of active training on the treadmill today. Same plan as last week. 6.5 base, 7.7 - 8.2 (6 intervals getting progressively faster). I was feeling brave and decided to add in one extra sprint at 8.7 which is about a 6:58 /mile pace! 

Once again I ran before teaching instead of after and it made all the difference!

Only 3 more treadmill runs left!

14 more runs to go!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Run like the wind!

What a run this morning! 5 miles today with an overall pace of 8:53! Most recently my range for 5 mile runs was between a 9:27 -9:45. I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad it did! Body felt great, pace was faster than expected and I was able to maintain pace. No struggle today!

Each run is it's own experience and I was so pleased with the results today! Getting my short runs under a 9 minute mile is always exciting!

My blistered toe issue is still hanging around. I'm hoping it starts to improve soon. I've got my biggest run yet on Saturday and I'm aiming for 22 instead of the scheduled 20. Fingers crossed all conditions will be favorable 🀞🏼

15 more runs to go!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

4 more weeks!

Today's run was 14 miles. I got a massage yesterday and I definitely felt a difference. My muscles weren't sore, tight or angry. My blister was still annoying, but I made it through. 

I was aiming for an 11 minute mile pace, but ended up running a little faster. My slowest mile was mile 7 with an 11:04 pace and my fastest was mile 14 at a 9:49. Unlike some of my other longer runs I didn't feel any struggle or notice any points where I was slowing down. I did notice I was picking up speed on my last 2 miles.

I've schedule my massages before and after the race and now just preparing my best for what's yet to come and race day!

I saw lots of runners out on the road this morning and I saw signs posted that there is a Triathlon tomorrow. How exciting. It's definitely the season for all sorts of races.

16 more runs to go!