Keep on moving!
5 weeks out from the big day! Today was a good one. I knew weather, specifically rain, might be an issue. I knew I'd be out on the road for 3+ hours and I didn't really feel like running in the dark. Forecast showed rain chances likely for the 10 and 11am hours.
I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. My plastic bags were packed to protect my phone and snacks.
I got started at 7:05am and the plan was 18 miles, my longest run so far. I started slow and steady really focusing on a pace in the 11's. I was moving along nicely without going too fast or slower than I wanted. As I moved into the second half of my run thr usual foot fatigue was felt, but otherwise my body was holding up well. I could see gray skies up ahead and knew rain was possible. I started feeling drops with about 2.5 miles left in my run and prepared for it by putting my phone in the bag I brought.
Not too much later it started coming down. Not light, but not a total downpour thank goodness. Even better it only lasted for about one mile! Then up ahead I could see the clouds breaking up and sun peaking through. As I approached the 16 / 17 mile mark I started thinking about running extra. Crazy, right?...isn't 18 miles enough? lol.
I heard so much about the 20 mile mark and things that some people go through and I just wanted to see how I'd hold up. So I went for it! I only have 1 run more than 18 and that's 20 miles in 2 weeks so I figured is try now and depending on how I'm feeling maybe making my 20 mile run a 22 mile run. Luckily the rest on my run went well. My body was sore and tired and I felt like I was going slow, but my mind was saying "YOU GOT THIS!" My mental energy was strong and I just kept plugging along until I hit the 20 mile mark.
Finishing that run put me on cloud 9! With an overall pace of 11:08 I couldn't be more pleased. Completing the run and the distance made me feel more confident in and with my pace and my desired pace. I was on the road for 3 hours and 42 minutes. Now I know I can complete the marathon in less than 6 hours. What an amazing run and an amazing feeling. One of my mantras I'll be using on race day will be "Marathon finisher" I just want it so badly and I'm so close now!
Whatever it is that you want in life go after it! Why wait if you can do it now? Go out there and make yourself proud!
20 more runs to go!
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