Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Treadmill, Dreadmill!

The struggle is real! I only have 6 more runs on this beast! I will so not miss it lol. 

My body was exhausted from Bodypump and I just kept telling myself it's just 30 minutes, you can do it! 

I started on a 6.7, so a small bump up from last weeks base pace. My intervals were going to be 7.7 - 8.2. I almost got there, but not quite. I certainly wasn't feeling ambitious enough to use an incline like last week. I made it up to my 8.1 interval and my body / legs could barely keep up. Afterward I took the base down to a 6.5...I was wiped! After 2 minutes I would have pushed at an 8.2. I made the decision not to go there, but in the spirit of still pushing and not totally giving up I did my last interval and I did it at a 7.4 which became a 7.5. I was good with that. Because sometimes something is better than nothing.

When you are physically and mentally done the treadmill is anything but your friend. I'd almost rather run 10 miles on the road than the 30 mins / 3 miles of speed/ interval training on the treadmill. 

Anyway, I can check the box for training today. I showed up and got it done. I could have dug deep and been extra brave, but I really had no interest in potentially flying off the treadmill today (or ever).

I hope everyone had a great day!

26 runs to go!

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