Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pace for the race...

I don't normally run on Sundays on my plan, but the rain yesterday pushed my run to today. Honestly,  my body was in no shape to run yesterday. I spent Friday evening volunteering at an event serving and was up and down flights of stairs all night. I got home late and we didn't have time to eat dinner. So on top of body fatigue,  less than ideal sleep, dehydration and having to launch pump at 12:15, fitting a 12 mile run in wasn't exactly smart. 

I woke up later than usual today and everything from my knees to my hips (besides my quads) was sore or angry. I did a bit of foam rolling before I headed out, but still felt sore. Since I don't have many long runs left this was a perfect opportunity to slow down and work on my pace. My overall pace ended up at an 11:16 minute mile. The run was pretty steady and not overly difficult, even with the aches and pains. This makes me feel that an 11:30 might be a good goal pace for the marathon. Last week my pace for my 16 mile run was a 10:33, a great pace, but I started off the run too quickly and my pace was slowly over time. I'd be happy with anything between an 11 -13 minute mile pace. I know race day will bring so much energy and adrenaline, but I don't want to burn out. Running smarter over runner harder / faster will be the goal so I can finish the race!

My run went well today, the only annoying thing was in 2 sections the road was flooded. I absolutely hate getting my shoes and socks wet so as I was approaching these areas my choices were turn around and go back, run through the water ( which would have been over my shoes) or run in the grass and hope for the best. I thought I was going to make it through dry and happy. Then it happened, my shoe sunk into a super soggy spot, then the other shoe. I felt and heard the squish inside my shoes, socks soaked. Eww, eww EWW! At this point I was about 7.5 miles into the run and still had 4.5 to go. No fun! As soon as I got back to my car I switched into my flip flops and dried out my shoes as soon as I got home. Hopefully I won't have any more of those experiences. 

I spent a good while stretching and rolling out my muscles when I got home. As I write this I'm icing my inner thigh. It definitely feels inflamed. Only 6 weeks until race day and I need to keep this body healthy! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

24 more runs to go!

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