Week 14!
Today I'm off from work and decided to sleep in. I was happy to get my full 8 hours, but the trade off would be running in the sun. I got out on the road by 8:30 for my 5 miles today. Temps were already above 80° and the sun was stronger. I haven't had a run with the sun this strong in over a week at least.
I started off with my first mile at a 9:13 and was able to maintain this pace through my second mile. After that things slowed down to the finish. Miles 3 and 4 got progressively slower and I fought to maintain or improve pace for my final mile. My goal was to have an overall pace faster than last week (ideally 9:30 or less).
My efforts paid off and running with all I had for the last quarter mile brought me in at a 9:27 overall pace.
I feel I should be pacing the shorter runs just like my longer ones, but I'm often up against tight schedules and really just want to knock them out. I have 5 mile runs through mid November and then they scale back to 4 miles then 3. Still on that climb before the taper begins. Still feeling good!
I had some time after running to sit by the river and soak it all in. The run, how far I've come and the beauty around me.
Hope everyone has a great week!
19 runs to go!
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